Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency therapy aims to treat sagging skin without the person to undergo a surgery. This type of treatment causes a contraction of the skin, without the need for cuts, bruises, swelling or flaking and strong to act without a withdrawal from normal activities or sports activities.
Please note that this treatment is different from the peeling treatments and the laser treatments.

What is it? This treatment generates energy and a strong heat in the deeper layer of skin. On the other hand, keeps the skin surface is protected and fresh. Thus, there is a contraction of the collagen and the skin begins to retract.

What types of skin can be treated with this technique? All skin types can be treated, but you should first go to your dermatologist to see if this is the best treatment for you.

How do you feel during application of treatment? In each application, the patient feels an immediate sensation of cold, followed by a warmer feeling, and finally, again a cool sensation.

How long is the treatment? The duration of treatment depends on the size of treatment area, the location where it will be applied and other personal factors related to each patient. Thus, this technique can only take a few minutes to one hour.

How many sessions are needed? Only one session will bring positive results. But only your dermatologist can evaluate the number of sessions that your treatment requires. The frequency depends on the severity of the case always.

How long is the result of this treatment? No one knows for sure, because each case is unique and always depends on the assessment of your dermatologist.

When results appear? The expected result is firmer skin.This skin fades between 2 and 6 months, although some patients may get it sooner. Therefore, the result is not immediate, with a period of the time for results to become visible (time required for forming collagen).

The patient will have to be at rest? The patient may resume your routine immediately, but will have to follow the advice of your dermatologist.

What recommendations and what consequences may arise? After application, the patient may see some skin irritation, but quickly disappears. These minor complications occur due to heating, but they are rare. Regarding the recommendations, the main thing is to avoid the sun in the early days and sunscreen should be applied every day. Avoid sudden undertake.

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