Health & Medical Nutrition

Not All Sugars Are Created Equal

Two interesting news reports appeared this week that have profound implications for our health.
The CDC reported frightening statistics showing that obesity in this country continues to rise to stratospheric levels - another 2.
4 million just since 2007.
And 9 states now report obesity levels at 30 percent or higher.
They claim that this costs the country $147 Billion in medical costs.
The second report concerns a study on sugar released by the medical research team at U.
investigating how the pancreas uses different kinds of sugar.
It has always been argued by lobbyists for the sugar industry that sugar is sugar, whether it's glucose, sucrose, fructose, or anything else.
Not so, it turns out.
According to the study at U.
, fructose is treated quite differently by the pancreas and one of the results is that it stimulates the growth of cancer tumors.
As we all know by now, high fructose corn syrup is one of the major contributors to the obesity epidemic in America.
They had to do something with all that excess corn and now most food manufacturers use high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar to sweeten their products.
Now isn't the answer obvious - we should all take much greater heed of advice to avoid food items containing high fructose corn syrup.
But the team at U.
had a different response - they will now turn their attention to developing a drug that will prevent this cancer stimulating effect of fructose! That's the power of the almighty dollar in the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry.
Consume high fructose corn syrup at your own risk! Fertilizer for tumors.

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