Family & Relationships Conflict

Get Back with an Ex Boyfriend Now! Shocking Ways to Win Your Man Back for Good

If you're one of the many women who want to get back with an ex boyfriend, you're not alone. This is sadly something that happens to many of us at some point. We fall in love with a fantastic guy. Things run smoothly for a time and then boom! Suddenly the once perfect relationship is filled with problems. You are headed down the slippery slope towards a break up and you know that there's little you can do to stop it. Once the dust has settled and you're ready to start trying to get him back you need some ammunition on your side. Understanding the best ways to win your man back for good will ensure you get the second chance at love with him that you want and need.

Here are 3 shocking ways to get him back now before it's too late:

Dump him. If your boyfriend dumped you, you need to turn the tables on him. Sounds childish but when it comes to love everything is fair game. Rejection is the side that is served with a break up. You need him to feel that just as you are now. You shouldn't be cruel about this. Just be very matter of fact. Let him know that while you enjoyed the time the two of you spent together, you now see the value in being apart. He'll be stunned. Literally, stunned.

Go out and have fun. We all know the expected way a woman acts after her break up. She spends countless nights at home, pining away for her lost love all the while eating ice cream and watching sad movies. That isn't going to get you anything but heavier and more upset. You have to show your ex that you're not the type to put your life on hold for anyone, including him. Get out and start having more fun. Flirt, dance and enjoy yourself. He'll hear about it from mutual friends and when he does, he'll be shocked that you have moved on so fast.

Forget about him. This is obviously impossible but you're going to make him believe that you've forgotten about him. Don't try and reach out to your ex in the weeks after the break up. Use that time to find balance in your life and give him the same. He's not going to forget about you if you're suddenly not right there begging him to come back. In fact, he'll think about you more. Remember absence really does make the heart grow fonder so make yourself invisible to him.

Don't give up until you have your man back. He's yours, so go get him!

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