Health & Medical Acne

Eliminate Blackheads and Whiteheads Effectively

Have you ever had that experience where you would look at yourself in the mirror, admire how clear your skin looks and then wham! You suddenly see annoying tiny black or white spots on your nose.
Blackheads and whiteheads can be irritating because it can be a little gross.
You would surely want to do everything to get rid of it.
Don't you worry because there are different methods that can help you get rid of these nasty things of your face for good! Whiteheads are formed when your pores get clogged from sebum (an oil or fat that is secreted by the sebaceous glands that is responsible in keeping your face and hair moisturized) and dead skin cells.
When this accumulated sebum and dead skin cell particles oxidizes and dries, it tends to darken.
This darkened particles are what we English-speaking human beings call blackheads.
In my case, I don't have blackheads, but I do suffer from whiteheads.
They are especially dominant on my nose, which is really gross and annoying.
As I was rifling through methods of removing these nasty little white beads off my nose, I found out that having a good skin care routine can definitely reduce chances of having it (I didn't have a good skin care routine back then).
We cannot really minimize the pores but we do need to take care of them so that the sebum and the dead skin cells won't have to accumulate.
Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and cleans up the pores.
Exfoliation gives way to new skin.
It also prevents breakouts, reduce the appearance of blemishes and spots.
This is a great method in preventing blackheads.
Blackheads or whiteheads that are already present may need a cleanser or a toner that has salicylic acid.
Use this product twice a day.
Try to keep out from formulas that make your skin dry, especially the ones that has a for of alcohol in it.
Proper moisturizers protect your skin from possible breakouts.
Having a well hydrated skin tells your body not to produce too much sebum.
Dry skin leads to flaking, and so dead skin cells are much more prominent.
Moisturizing can indeed help you eliminate this problem.
Use pore strips to remove the nasty stuff.
Pore strips pull away the buildup on your nose or any problem area.
I would usually get really amazed at how ugly and gross whiteheads are (I actually find it enjoyable watching these nasty things stick out on the strip).
You can get pore strips at most drug stores, but you can also make your own pore strips! Tomato slices contain antioxidant properties that can remove ugly blackheads.
Apply a slice of tomato on your problem areas and let them absorb its goodness for at least 10-15 minutes before washing it off with water (don't use soap).
In a nutshell, having a poor skin care routine can increase your chances of having blackheads and whiteheads.
Accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum results in having a nasty build up of dirt on your face.
A well moisturized and cleaned face can prevent these things from happening.
With that being said, these effective tips will definitely be able to give you a clear and smooth looking face.

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