Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

World of Warcraft - Picking PvP Partner

So many good people in this game, myself included, fall victim to playing on fail arena teams with an embarrassing rating and an even more embarrassing win to loss ratio.
And it's not their fault, and it's not that they are bad.
It's the person they are playing with that is the bad.
And a real big problem is once you agree to play some arenas with this person and find out they are god awful, unless you are a bit of a jerk, they are hard to get rid of.
So the best way to solve this problem is to avoid it all together.
Here are a few questions you should use when looking for a good partner for a serious arena team.
First off simply ask them if they are a clicker.
If they answer saying "yeah how else would I use my moves?", or if they say something along the lines of "uh what is that?" that is a sure dead giveaway that YOU NEED TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE.
Second as them if they "S" key.
If they answer saying "yeah how else would I kite someone" or something along the lines of "what does that mean" tat is a sure dead giveaway that YOU NEED TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE.
If the person you are talking to answers no to both of those questions then you need to dig a little deeper.
Go find that person in game, or just tell them to come to you, and check out their gear, they current arena teams, and most importantly check their achievements and see what the highest rated arena teams they have had.
In my opinion if your just looking for a solid team and not going for vicious gladiator anyone above 2k is a pretty safe bet.
But what I do whenever I need to find a new partner(s) I tend to avoid trade chat when looking, I prefer going outside of Ogrimmar where everyone is dueling and hang out there until someone good comes around that is missing a few arena teams.
Then i just duel and see if they are good or not, check their achievements, then simply ask them "hey buddy I'm looking for a new 2s partner you interested?".
And there you have it.

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