4 Big Points About Building a Chicken Coop
Building a chicken coop means having good plans to follow.
This is one of the most important steps you need to do in order to have success in building a chicken coop.
It is surprising how know many people overlook the importance of having a solid set of plans before they start building a chicken coop.
Now there is no one way to set up a coop, but there are clearly defined steps that everyone should follow whenever someone is going to be building a chicken coop.
So when you are searching for plans, DON'T OVERLOOK THESE! Following these points will save you a great deal of time and frustration.
So, here are 4 big points your plans should include.
Choose a Good Location to Build Finding the right spot for building a chicken coop is crucial to the success of your coop because the location will help passively keep your coop maintain itself over time.
You need to find a spot that is slightly elevated, because this will prevent the coop from becoming flooded, if you live in a place that experiences frequent rainfall.
If you cannot find an elevated make, then you'll have to make one instead.
This will require some landscaping, but typically very little.
The Number a Chicken Affects the Size You Need Now this may seem like a no-brainer, but may people do not even consider that the size of your coop needs to be proportional to the size of your flock.
Each chicken needs a certain amount of space to move and maintain health.
This is about two square feet per chicken.
The last thing you want to do is pack all your chickens in a small space, this is the worst thing you could do.
So take some time to do some quick math and find out how big you need to build you coop.
Install Windows Windows aren't just for good looks anymore.
Windows have a big influence on your chicken's health.
They serve not only as a light source for the coop but they also provide the coops with much needed ventilation.
It's a small task and has a big long-term payoff.
You will want to build at least, maybe three, windows so you can have exactly want you need.
Build a Sturdy Fence When most people think about a fence, it is usually the white picket kind that looks good in front of a house.
Well, this is not what you should be looking to build.
Those kind are only for decoration.
They ultimately do not keep the chickens in and none of the predators out.
The kind you will want to use is made from wooden posts, chicken wire, and cement (but only if you want to get fancy).
The inclusion of fence will help the longevity and overall appeal of your coop.
Building a chicken coop without a fence is like a knight going into battle with no armor; very dangerous.
So this is definitely one tip that you do not want to overlook.
This is one of the most important steps you need to do in order to have success in building a chicken coop.
It is surprising how know many people overlook the importance of having a solid set of plans before they start building a chicken coop.
Now there is no one way to set up a coop, but there are clearly defined steps that everyone should follow whenever someone is going to be building a chicken coop.
So when you are searching for plans, DON'T OVERLOOK THESE! Following these points will save you a great deal of time and frustration.
So, here are 4 big points your plans should include.
Choose a Good Location to Build Finding the right spot for building a chicken coop is crucial to the success of your coop because the location will help passively keep your coop maintain itself over time.
You need to find a spot that is slightly elevated, because this will prevent the coop from becoming flooded, if you live in a place that experiences frequent rainfall.
If you cannot find an elevated make, then you'll have to make one instead.
This will require some landscaping, but typically very little.
The Number a Chicken Affects the Size You Need Now this may seem like a no-brainer, but may people do not even consider that the size of your coop needs to be proportional to the size of your flock.
Each chicken needs a certain amount of space to move and maintain health.
This is about two square feet per chicken.
The last thing you want to do is pack all your chickens in a small space, this is the worst thing you could do.
So take some time to do some quick math and find out how big you need to build you coop.
Install Windows Windows aren't just for good looks anymore.
Windows have a big influence on your chicken's health.
They serve not only as a light source for the coop but they also provide the coops with much needed ventilation.
It's a small task and has a big long-term payoff.
You will want to build at least, maybe three, windows so you can have exactly want you need.
Build a Sturdy Fence When most people think about a fence, it is usually the white picket kind that looks good in front of a house.
Well, this is not what you should be looking to build.
Those kind are only for decoration.
They ultimately do not keep the chickens in and none of the predators out.
The kind you will want to use is made from wooden posts, chicken wire, and cement (but only if you want to get fancy).
The inclusion of fence will help the longevity and overall appeal of your coop.
Building a chicken coop without a fence is like a knight going into battle with no armor; very dangerous.
So this is definitely one tip that you do not want to overlook.