Health & Medical Depression

Depression Treatment by Phone

Depression Treatment by Phone

Depression Treatment by Phone

Phone Psychotherapy for Depression Works, Gets Treatment to More Patients

Phone Therapy for Depression Effective continued...

Kennedy says most therapists feel that nonverbal communications such as body language are important to psychotherapy. But he says quibbling about whether phone therapy is every bit as effective as face-to-face therapy misses the point.

"The point of this study is that people do stick with telephone therapy," Kennedy says. "Depression, especially depression later in life, may be associated with conditions that make it impossible to come into psychotherapy on a regular basis. You don't want to skip a session of therapy any more than you want to skip a dose of medication."

Phone Therapy for Depression: Who Pays?

Ho and Kennedy note that Medicare and many private insurers do not pay for phone therapy.

"We hope studies like this will encourage insurers and Medicare to cover phone sessions," Ho says. "Patients a lot of times tell us they prefer this. And it could be especially attractive for people in rural areas or those with physical disability."

Kennedy agrees.

"Few patients with depression actually get to effective psychotherapy," he says. "Phone sessions make a qualified and effective therapist available to people who would not otherwise have access to one. ... This has tremendous promise."

A report on the Mohr/Ho study appears in the June 5 issue of JAMA.

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