Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Ideas for a Horror Story

    Crazy Isn't Enough

    • There is always something responsible for sending a horror story character or narrative one direction or another. Motivation is always a factor in this respect. If a seemingly normal mother takes great delight in drowning her children in some dark, sinister forest, it isn't sufficient that she is just simply "crazy." Ask yourself, what exactly sent her over the edge or why she is in that forest to begin with? Decide whether there is a forest at all; the mother could only imagine her surroundings while committing her heinous acts. When the deed is done, so is her delusion, for example. Alternately, she may not feel guilt at all.

    Be Bad

    • Many successful horror stories are about secrets. In a horror story, our darkest thoughts, images, vengeful feelings and even our worst nightmares can manifest as fodder. Ideas for a horror story may include narratives that encompass how a character decides to systematically murder someone or a group of people; whether it might be with poison, torture or weapons. Elaborate on as much detail as you can. Remember, a great horror story often deals with unpalatable psychological aspects or negative features of the human persona.

    Involve Kids

    • There is probably nothing more egregious to a reader than involving children in some horrific scenario. Create a horror story about an institution of high-class league of women that teach their daughters the "subtle" intricacies or nuances of death by electrocution in some kind of private school. Students cannot graduate until they kill someone they love. Consider whether or not these children are of elementary, middle or high-school age. You may opt to have one-half of a class group fight another in some proverbial war of conscience. Tweak this idea for a horror story any way you see fit.

    Think "Weird"

    • Horror story characters are sometimes just plain "weird." It is a common, often frightening, feature throughout some of the most powerful horror stories. If you want an idea for a horror story, think about whether or not a relative of yours spends a lot of time alone. Try to expand on this somewhat; fictionalize why he prefers solitude. Perhaps he hears voices compelling him to act in ways most people would consider strange or inappropriate. Rather than focusing on his behavior, you could spin the story somewhat and change it from first to third person. Ask yourself how far this character's relatives would go to get him to "behave" himself and conform; think about what the weirdest thing they could do?

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