Business & Finance Economics

Recessions Come and Go, But Tough People Go the Distance

We all have heard that saying; when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Well, let's apply that famous quote to the current recession.
We can all commiserate and talk ourselves into a deeper recession and ultimately a depression or we can do as the President advised during his famous State of Union Speech.
In life those with the most character have often had a bit of adversity in their past.
Consider this a character building exercise and let's all agree to work through this dilemma.
Recessions are temporary and although that does not make you feel any better right now, historically it's the truth.
  Recessions come and go, it's nature's way of showing us that even free-markets need a reality check and must be brought back into balance.
Messing around with those norms will make things worse, perhaps causing future inflation or new sector bubbles, as that is in line with the laws of unintended consequences.
  And Shock Doctrine and Black Swan Events aside, the American People want action and results, so speeches can only get you so far.
Nevertheless, we need to hear some of these words and think to ourselves are we as tough as we proclaim, or do we want to continue this negative attitude a while longer?   The choice is ours, it's yours and mine.
We can resolve to work ourselves out of this or allow it to crush our very fiber and cost us our life's savings and our children's future.
The ball is in our court and it's about time we all work as a team to put some points on the board.
Think on this.

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