Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Colon Cleanse at Home and Natural

Having constipation is not something any of us look forward to.
When it strikes, it causes your stomach to hurt or to cramp, you feel bloated and sick, Your bathroom habits change, your stomach feels full and your appetite decreases, you are tired and you can get depressed.
With all this going on, you can not concentrate or complete your work correctly.
Enjoying your life becomes harder for you to do because of how down and sick you feel.
No longer do you need to suffer from constipation.
It is not necessary to go to the doctor to help with this problem.
You can take care of it in the privacy of your own home.
The basics of getting rid of constipation come with a good cleansing of the colon naturally.
Drinking lots of water will help to begin this natural process.
You should drink half your weight in ounces of water each day.
This means if your weight is 200 pounds, you need about 100 ounces of water a day.
Along with the water increase, you need to add a fiber supplement.
These two ingredients will help the colon restore its natural function.
Herbs can also be used to clean the colon.
They need to be herbs that have a natural liver cleaning ability and also offer cathartic properties.
These herbs include aloe, cayenne pepper, and ginger to name a few.
Changing your diet will also help with bringing about a cleansing to the colon.
Adding foods rich in fiber will help.
Try to stay away from foods and drinks containing caffeine, sugar, white flour, fried foods, and foods cooked in a microwave.
These items drain the body of fluids that are necessary for healthy bodily output.

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