Health & Medical Acne

Alternative Home Treatment For Adult Acne - Home Remedies to Treat Acne Now!

But the problem of adult acne is more widespread than you think.
Indeed many top name stars are known to suffer from acne - you only need to look at the number of times that Cameron Diaz has been photographed with spots all over her face to know that even the most beautiful of people can suffer from spots as an adult.
Home Remedies for Adult Acne So if it is such a widespread problem why is it that we don't have a cure? Well you need to consider that it is actually a problem that has been around for thousands of years - and people have come up with all sorts of alternative home remedies for adult acne.
Of course what matters to us is the alternative home remedies that work - and with thousands of years to experiment it should come as no surprise to you that there in fact a few techniques that can really help you get rid of your adult acne.
Get bitter! Not your personality but try some bitter citrus fruits.
Both lemon and lime have a naturally acidic juice that can be used to rub on the spots to help break down all the oils that are causing the acne in the first place.
You can leave them on overnight to keep combating the oils as you sleep.
Clean up your act Or at least your bedroom.
Research has shown that a considerable number of problems with adult acne come from the bed sheets not getting washed enough or properly.
So ensure that your bed linen (especially your pillow case) is as clean as possible to try beat that adult acne down for good.
Take a cold shower After a warm one anyway.
When you take a warm shower you open up your pores, allowing you to clean out the muck and oil that can cause spots in adults.
The problem with such a method is that your pores will then stay open afterwards - meaning they are open to more oil and much sneaking back in there.
By having a cold shower after your pores will automatically close up again, meaning it will be harder to develop those spots.
Lavender and tea tree oil No clever remarks here, just a clever answer - this works.
Lavender and tea tree oil work as an antiseptic which will clean out your pores and help prevent any infection of the area.
Infections damage the skin which can lead it to be susceptible to more spots and therefore adult acne.
Honey, honey - one of the most common alternative remedies for adult acne is honey applied to the area of spots.
In fact combine it with crushed mint as well to further help clean the skin, before washing away with warm water.

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