Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Natural Treatments For Fibromyalgia - With Nature and Nature Only

Whenever you are looking at natural treatments for fibromyalgia, you should consider supplements.
They will nourish your cells so that they can use energy more efficiently through a process of oxygenation.
Furthermore, they will also reduce and control inflammation within your body and help you obtain a more restful sleep NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-hydrogen) NADH is one of the best fibromyalgia supplements.
It will help to control the pain and muscle spasms.
You will want to take between 5mg and 10mg every morning on an empty stomach, with eight ounces of water.
Malic Acid and Magnesium Both Malic Acid and Magnesium are combined to create one of the most effective fibromyalgia supplements known of today.
They will help your muscles use glucose properly, which will help to reduce fibromyalgia's symptoms.
It is recommended that you take 300mg of malic acid and 300mg of magnesium.
You will want to take them together as a single supplement three times each day.
5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-tryptophan) 5-HTP is yet another great supplement for fibromyalgia patients to take.
This compound helps to reduce both the pain and insomnia that are associated with this syndrome by raising your brain's serotonin levels.
Most medical professionals recommend that you take anywhere from 50 to 300mg of 5-HTP each day.
You can easily divide this into two or three equal dosages throughout the day if you desire to do so.
SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) You have probably seen advertisements for SAM-e.
It is a new compound that not only acts as a natural anti-depressant but it is also great for those who have fibromyalgia.
This supplement is known to elevate a person's mood and decrease any pain that they may be feeling.
If you are going to take this supplement you should take between 200mg and 1,600mg per day.
In order to determine the exact dosage you will need to speak with your doctor.
Coenzyme Q10 Another effective supplements in treating fibromyalgia is Coenzyme Q10.
This supplement will help to boost the oxygen to your muscle tissue, which will help to quickly and easily flush out any inflammatory chemicals.
It is recommended that you take between 60mg to 400mg per day.
A Final Word About Fibromyalgia Supplements Before you begin any supplement regimen you should talk to your doctor in order to ensure that they really are safe for you to take.
This is also a great time to discuss the proper dosage and get any of your other questions answered as well.

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