Health & Medical Health & Medical Insurance

Prescription Drugs Description

    Drug Types

    • Prescription drugs each belong to a general pharmacologic class determined by the FDA. These classes include antidepressants, decongestants, sedatives and expectorants.

    Drug Approval

    • Federal authorities approve all prescription drugs for specific conditions or symptoms. A prescribed drug should describe the conditions it treats. However, some doctors commonly prescribe drugs for other uses that have not been approved.

    Possible Side Effects

    • Prescription drugs describe side effects by dividing them into one of four categories: most common, common, less common and rare.

    Cautions and Warnings

    • Prescription drugs should describe all cautions and warnings to alert patients about any important or dangerous potential reactions.

    Drug and Food Interactions

    • Prescription drugs describe interactions with other drugs, which can be deadly, as well as with foods. For instance, you may be advised to take your medication on an empty stomach or with a meal, depending on the drug.

    Dosages and Overdoses

    • Prescription drugs include dosage instructions, which can vary, particularly between children, adults and the elderly. Patients are warned that taking too much medication can result in overdose symptoms.

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