Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

How to Start a Chicken Coop

If you are wondering how to start a chicken coop, these techniques will lead you to your goal.
Do you think it will take weeks to build a chicken coop? You might want to rethink that.
With the right tips, you can accomplish your goal in a few days with great success.
Here it is what you need on how to start a chicken coop: 1) Plan the inside before you start building: First of all, plan before building.
Many people skip the planning process and when they are almost done, they realize that they have built too small because of all the additional parts that need to go inside.
When you start adding the feeders, perches, water dispensers and so on will take you away your free space (in case you did not calculate it properly) and will make your chickens feel crowded.
To avoid this issue, make a blueprint first and then proceed to build according to your plans.
2) Give light to your chickens: Make sure that the windows are properly placed so that they can receive enough total light with enough windows and the windows are not placed too low so that the sunshine does not hit them straight because it will make them feel uncomfortable.
3) Always build larger than you think you would need: When you are wondering how to start a chicken coop, it is quite common to reduce spaces and build smaller than you think you would need.
Size is a very important issue to take into consideration when you build a chicken coop.
If you are not really sure on how many chickens you will keep there, it is going to be smarter to build slightly larger.
At any time you can add one or two more chickens It is quite frustrating to build a chicken coop the perfect size and then you find out that you will need more space for chickens.
You would have to add an extension to that place and it will be time consuming.
By following this three simple steps it will help you build faster and more accurate to have happy and safe chickens as well as nice eggs.
By breaking down your building plan into manageable steps it really can become something that you can handle over the course of a weekend even if you do not know how to start a chicken coop.

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