Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Get Over an Ex - And Get on With Your Life

Honesty is very important here. You have to be honest with yourself, as much as it hurts you have to tell yourself it is the right thing to do. If you would have been honest with your ex from the very beginning a lot of this could have been avoided. During a relationship, it is very important to be open with communication. Don't be mean and don't be cruel at your approach, but be honest. Don't lead your partner to believe that everything is fine with the relationship when there really are problems that need to be address. Explain your concerns, tell them how you feel, let know that there are a few things that need to be discussed.

When you are trying to get over an ex you have to be open to this type of critique. You have to listen and be understanding toward your own concerns. You would not be separated if the problem wasn't serious to one or the other. Now you have to listen to your concerns and then decide is that something you can do, or is that something you can change. More importantly are you willing to change, was you're ex really the one for you. If the changes you they are asking for are unrealistic, then you have to move on, you have think about if this was the right relationship for you.

When getting over your ex back it's usually about compromising, are you willing to give up something that may be really important to you. This is only a question you can answer. If you are willing to make compromises, then to get over an ex should be relatively easy. Most breakups are just another way to air your differences, a time to finally tell the other what you are really feeling. Because it's actually a time to be honest with yourself, to say out loud what you already know.

Everybody knows that getting over an ex is very difficult, unless you never loved them in the first place. So give yourself some credit and go forward and be happy that the relationship didn't go on longer, it would have been that much harder. Now is a time for you to rebuild that confidence and your self esteem and become a better person because of this.

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