Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Write the Perfect Online Dating Profile

If you have been single for a while and cannot seem to meet the right kind of people, then why not try online dating.
It has been reported, in this current economic climate, that online dating is on the rise, so why not jump on the bandwagon and give it ago yourself.
If you are going to try it though, there is one crucial thing that you must ensure you get right, if you wish to be successful, and that is your online dating profile.
Online dating is very different to the traditional method, in which you would meet and get to know someone, because it is not face-to-face (well not to start with anyway).
When online dating you have the opportunity to find out quite a lot of information about people before even talking to them, so you can decide if you want to have contact with them.
You can find out how tall people are, or what profession they are, before you choose to speak to them and get to know them better, which fundamentally makes online dating quite powerful and very effective.
However, bearing this is mind, you must look at this argument both ways.
This means that people can find out information about you before they generate a conversation, so the better and more interesting that your dating profile is, the more likely that you are going to be contacted by Mr (or Miss) Right.
So here is a quick guide on how to write the perfect Internet dating profile.
Firstly, remain honest throughout your profile, you will have to write about what you look like and your personality, so tell the truth and make sure you stay positive when doing so.
Don't put yourself down or speak negatively in your profile, we all have things that we don't like about ourselves, but there is no need to mention these, just keep them to yourself.
The other members will be looking for someone positive and confident to chat with when scanning through the online profiles, so make sure you come across this way.
Similarly, when writing your dating profile you need to make yourself stand out from the crowd.
You need to include something within your profile, whether it be something that you have done, a place that you have been to or hobby that you have got, that makes you different from the rest.
You must remember that there are going to many other profiles on the dating web site that are going to be very similar, with people saying things like, 'I like going to the cinema' or 'I like eating out', so you need to be different and interesting.
Another key thing that you should do within your profile is not to simply 'describe' qualities that you have, but demonstrate them.
Don't simply say, 'I'm a funny person with a good sense of humour', try and demonstrate this fact.
So in the way that you write or from something that you say, like a funny quote or joke, demonstrate the fact that you are funny, so people can judge for themselves if they believe that you are amusing.
Then lastly, you must ensure that you upload a good photograph of yourself to the site, if you have the facilities to do so.
This will allow other members to see that you are indeed a real person, that doesn't have two heads, and allow them to picture the person that they are talking to.
You should make sure it is a flattering and recent photograph that you feel happy with, in order to give the best impression to the other members.
However, try not to use one that is too flattering, if it doesn't actually look like you anymore, like a photo of you when you were much younger for example.
This may, if you were to meet up, lead your date to feel disappointed and mislead, if you are not what they were expecting.
It is always better for your date to be pleasantly surprised that you are actually better looking than what they were expecting from your photograph, than disappointed.
So hopefully this guide will help you have a very successful and fruitful online dating experience and we wish you all luck.

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