Pets & Animal Rodents

How to Build a Squirrel Feeder

    • 1

      Prepare your wood. All wood should be preferably about one inch thick. You'll need sturdy wood because the squirrels will gnaw on it to get to the goodies inside. Use cedar or pressure-treated lumber or a hardwood left over from cabinet-making. Never use lumber that's been treated with arsenic because that could be fatal. Cut five pieces, all four inches wide, one 12 inches long, one eight inches long, two six-inch lengths, and one four-by-four. Sand all your pieces so you don't get splinters.

    • 2). Rout or cut slots into the six-inch sides. These will face each other. Start at a top corner and rout down toward the opposite corner at a slight angle--no more than 30 degrees-- for about five inches. Your plastic sheet will slide into these slots. They should be about three-eighths of an inch deep or deep enough to be sturdy.

    • 3

      Lay the eight inch piece flat and set the twelve inch piece perpendicular to it at one end. Glue and then screw the upright piece to the base. Set the four-by-six inch sides on the base piece and allow the top of the window to slide out on both sides. Glue and screw these sides through the back.

    • 4). Turn over and attach with screws through the base. Check the fit of your sides and depth of your slot by “dry-fitting” the two sides on top of the base board against the backboard. The plastic should slide in easily and leave about an inch at the bottom for the squirrel to pull food out.

    • 5). Make any adjustments so that food can be taken out underneath by the squirrels. There should be no space left at the top for the little critters to get hold of or you’ll have a mess to clean up. Attach the "roof" of the feeder by hinging it onto the backboard with a couple of furniture hinges. This will allow you to lift the hinge to put food in. Drill two holes toward the top of the backboard to hang your squirrel feeder.

    • 6). Fill your feeder with favorite treats to lure the squirrels away from your bird feeders. Peanuts and almonds are favorite nuts and dried fruits are considered a luxury. Check a feed or pet store for the best mix to distract the squirrels. After you've attracted them, keep your feeder full of a squirrel food mix that will keep them coming back for more.

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