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Horrible Histories Collection - The Most Popular Series by Terry Deary

Horrible Histories is one of the most popular and award winning British television series for children's, which is based on the Terry Deary's best-selling book series called horrible histories collection. The interest shown by the children's in the Horrible Histories books led to the creation of fantastic television series which has won three BAFTA awards.

Horrible Histories was also the first children's Television program to win a comedy award by the BBC. These horrible histories books make learning more fun than ever before for children's and also more exciting as it involves some interesting characters that make kids to show more interest in learning.

This series is focused to make history more interesting and appealing to children, while ignoring the things that are less important for children. This is what it makes the horrible histories series so popular among the kids.

The Horrible Histories Collection box set includes all of the famous TV series favorites like Savage Stone Age, Awesome Egyptians, Groovy Greeks, Rotten Romans, Cut-Throat Celts, Smashing Saxons, Vicious Vikings, Storming Normans, Angry Aztecs, Incredible Incas, Measly Middle Age, Terrible Tudors, Slimy Stuarts, Gorgeous Georgians, Vile Victorians, Villainous Victorians, Barmy British Empire, Frightful First World War, Woeful Second World War, Blitzed Brits.

Some of the titles are described as follows

Savage Stone Age

Its history with the nasty bits left in, if you would like to know; what Stone Age people used instead of toilet paper? Why a hole in the skull is good for headaches? How to make a Stone Age mummy? Discover all the foul facts about the Savage Stone Age - all the gore and more!

Awesome Egyptians

It is the history with the nasty bits left in! Interested to know; which king had the worst blackheads? Why some kings had to wear false beards? Why the peasants were revolting? Discover all the facts about the Awesome Egyptians - all the gore and more!

Groovy Greeks

It is the history where one can find out the following, why some groovy Greek girls ran about naked pretending to be bears? € Who had the world's first flushing toilet? € Why dedicated doctors tasted their parents' ear wax? Discover all the foul facts about the Groovy Greeks - all the gore and more!

Rotten Romans

Its history with the nasty bits left in! Want to know, What Roman soldiers wore under their kilts? € How Ancient Britons got their hair nice and spiky? € Why rich Romans needed a vomitorium? Discover all the foul facts about the Rotten Romans - all the gore and more!

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