How to Assume the Twin Sage Mariachi Pose in Partner Yoga
- 1). Start on the mat, sitting side-by-side with your partner, and position yourselves so you are each facing the opposite direction with your legs fully extended out in front of you. Make sure that your right hip is directly parallel and pointing to your partner’s right hip.
- 2). Bend the right knee up and draw your right foot toward you until you are able to plant the sole of your right foot on the ground near your seat bone and the shin of your right leg comes perpendicular to the floor. At the same time, your partner will mirror your movements, drawing his right foot into him until the sole of his right foot is firmly planted and his right shin comes perpendicular to the floor.
- 3). Draw your right arm back and place your right hand on the floor behind you, pressing the palm firmly into the earth, until your chest is open. As you inhale, raise your left arm up. At the same time, your partner will also draw his right arm back and place his right hand on the floor until his chest is open. On his inhale, he too will raise his left arm. Remember that these movements should be done simultaneously.
- 4). Exhale, draw the left arm across your right knee, twisting your torso to the right. As you bring your arm across your knee, hook your elbow around the outside of your right shin. Your partner should match your movements, drawing his left arm across his right knee and twisting his torso to the right. His left elbow will end up in the same position as your elbow.
- 5). Inhale, lift your chests simultaneously, lengthening your spines from your tailbones up to your necks.
- 6). Reach your left hand toward your partner, keeping your left elbow firmly pressed to your right shin, and place the palm of your left hand on the front of your partner’s right shoulder. At the same time, your partner will reach his left hand toward you and place his palm on the front of your right shoulder.
- 7). Exhale, press your left palms into the others right shoulder, deepening one anothers twist.
- 8). Hold this position, breathing evenly and in time, for 30 to 60 seconds before coming out of the twist.
- 9). Change positions (or directions) so each of your left hips are now facing and parallel to one another, and repeat Steps 2 through 8 for the other side of the body, replacing left for right and right for left.