Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Making Your Spouse Love You Again - Is It Possible? Read on For A Deep Analysis - And the Answer!

A lot of people say that marriage kills love - and if, during a marriage, love has died, that's it; there's nothing you can do to make your spouse love you again.
Others disagree and say that if your spouse was in love with you once, it's possible to recreate this situation and make your spouse fall in love with you again.
So which is true? Read on to find out.
For us to know if making your spouse love you again is possible; we must first understand what is this thing in marriage that makes couples fall out of love with each other.
Then we will determine if it is possible to make your spouse love you again or not.
When someone signs the marriage papers, he or she relaxes, knowing that they no longer to be on top of their game in order to stay in the relationship.
Simply put, they have pledged their futures to each other - and there is no easy getting out now.
In a mere relationship, your partner could get out simply by saying "I don't want to be with you," and leaving.
In a marriage, especially after time passes, the couple settles, and children arrive; this is not possible.
So, you are relaxed and...
Start to take your spouse for granted.
And this is what kills the love - from both angles.
The one who does the "taking for granted" loves their spouse less because the spouse is "easy" now...
and according to human psychology, you want what you can't have; and you don't want what you can have easily.
The one who is being taken for granted...
they fall out of love soon, too; because their spouse simply doesn't appreciate them enough.
What is the use of being in a marriage or relationship when you try to give so much, only to see your efforts go unappreciated? Now...
we know what it is exactly that kills marriages...
we can guess if you can make your spouse fall in love with you again.
The answer is YES.
The key to doing this is through making him feel that you are not "easy", but still making him feel that you appreciate him.
Hard? Maybe.
Possible? Definitely.
Through following a carefully constructed plan, you can literally transform your relationship so that you will not only make your spouse love you again, you will also have laid the foundations of a marriage in which both sides will show their appreciation and be happy together.

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