Family & Relationships Conflict

3 Quick Techniques For Making Your Ex Want You Back

Every day thousands of couples tearfully get back together again.
As bad as break ups are, they don't always have to be permanent, and there are lots of things you can do that will put you back together with your ex boyfriend.
Even if he dumped you, even if he's convinced himself he wants to move on - as long as there's love in his heart for you, there are ways to get your ex back.
But before we begin, understand one thing: your reconciliation won't happen until your ex needs you back in his life again.
Everything you do should be geared toward this one goal, because it's the only thing that will reunite you and give your relationship a second chance.
Examine anything you currently might be doing: calling your ex, emailing him, writing him letters and cards, etc...
and ask yourself: am I doing these things just to make myself feel better? Chances are that's exactly what you're doing, and that you're not taking your ex boyfriend's perspective on things before you act.
While no relationship can (or should) be fixed overnight, the following three tips will help hasten your reconciliation and get your ex boyfriend back: Give Him Time and Space - The number one mistake women make after being broken up with is trying to cling too tightly to their broken relationship.
If your ex ended things with you, he had his reasons.
He doesn't want to be challenged on them.
Instead of crying, begging, or pleading for the relationship back, try listening to what he has to say and agreeing with the break up.
Instead of getting angry and making demands or ultimatums regarding your breakup, walk away and give your boyfriend some time alone.
Being without you will make him lonely, which will eventually make him miss you.
Then, without you hounding him, he'll make his own decisions regarding the future of your relationship.
This is crucial to staying together once you do get your boyfriend back - the fact that he believes giving things a second shot was his own idea.
Work on Your Own Situation - After he dumps you, a guy is still watching to see your reaction.
Seeing you upset will make him feel sorry for you at first, but very quickly it will turn to pity.
Believe me, you don't want pity.
His opinion of you will change, and he may see you as weak and needy.
If you get angry at the break up, he may label you differently.
If however, you treat the end of your relationship with dignity and indifference...
your boyfriend will be very intrigued.
He's be a lot more interested in you if you can be mature and cool, staying strong and moving on with your life.
In the meantime, work on yourself.
Hit the gym, work out some emotions on the treadmill or go running.
Get buff, get tan, get a new outfit! Seeing you bounce back looking better than ever after he dumps you will weaken your boyfriend's resolve, making him question the break up and even desire you again.
Let Him Know He Made You Happy - Yup, that's right.
Somehow during the whole miserable break up, you need to swallow the hopeless and despair and put a smile on your face.
One of the number one reasons a guy ends a relationship is because he no longer feels like he's making you happy.
Maybe you were moody or depressed about something other than him, and he was getting weighed down by your own situation.
If you love your ex boyfriend, let him know that he's the one who made you happy.
If you've been acting mopish or down lately, tell him it had nothing to do with him and you recognize that you were being down over nothing...
that he's the one person in your life that always cheered you up.
Let him know that should you get back together again, you're willing to keep your chin up and move forward as a team.
A guy generally doesn't break up with a girlfriend who's laughing, smiling, and happy to be with him.
Losing those things might cause you to lose him, and not even know why.

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