The Best Dog Training Guide Ever!!
Have you come home to the trash thrown all over your home and chewed up into little pieces? Are you at a loss for words? Are you ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater? If so do not give up hope because there are no bad dogs just bad owners. You can recover your relationship with your dog and make an even tighter knit friendship with your devoted best friend. This book will go into great detail turning your dog into the perfect companion,
It will go over the basic commands like sit, stay, heal, come, go. If you have had problems with your dog it will teach you how to communicate with your dog. Whether you realize it or not you are communicating to your dog with your facial expressions and your body language. Some people go about dog training all wrong and did not even realize they were doing it all wrong. Like for instance calling your dog to come when it is occupied with a squirrel or another dog of course it is not going to listen. You have to train your dog to come when you know it will listen. Set your dog up for success so it cannot turn you down. If you have a dog that is out of control you never, ever hit a dog. You always make it easy for your dog so they cannot fail. Positive reinforcement goes a long way rather than negative reinforcement. For instance when your puppy pees outside on the grass you praise it and liberally encourage it. So that it knows this is good and this is what you want them to do. Plus many people treat their dog like a person when an adult dog only has the maturity of a five year old child. So you must communicate with them like you would a child. They are animals and need human or animal contact they are used to the pack life and do best within a pack either human or dog. You will also learn how to read your dogs body language just by taking the time to know your beloved canine. For instance I can immediately tell when my dog does not feel well or is a little under the weather just by looking at his facial expression. The closer you are to your dog and the more trust you build with them the more rewarding and wonderful your relationship with your dog is going to be.
All you need is a little patience, and trust, and this book on Dog Training. This book will cover all you need to know about training your dog. It is a must have for all dog owners. Make your best friend not just tolerable to live with but an excellent companion to give you many years of love, laughter, and enjoyment
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It will go over the basic commands like sit, stay, heal, come, go. If you have had problems with your dog it will teach you how to communicate with your dog. Whether you realize it or not you are communicating to your dog with your facial expressions and your body language. Some people go about dog training all wrong and did not even realize they were doing it all wrong. Like for instance calling your dog to come when it is occupied with a squirrel or another dog of course it is not going to listen. You have to train your dog to come when you know it will listen. Set your dog up for success so it cannot turn you down. If you have a dog that is out of control you never, ever hit a dog. You always make it easy for your dog so they cannot fail. Positive reinforcement goes a long way rather than negative reinforcement. For instance when your puppy pees outside on the grass you praise it and liberally encourage it. So that it knows this is good and this is what you want them to do. Plus many people treat their dog like a person when an adult dog only has the maturity of a five year old child. So you must communicate with them like you would a child. They are animals and need human or animal contact they are used to the pack life and do best within a pack either human or dog. You will also learn how to read your dogs body language just by taking the time to know your beloved canine. For instance I can immediately tell when my dog does not feel well or is a little under the weather just by looking at his facial expression. The closer you are to your dog and the more trust you build with them the more rewarding and wonderful your relationship with your dog is going to be.
All you need is a little patience, and trust, and this book on Dog Training. This book will cover all you need to know about training your dog. It is a must have for all dog owners. Make your best friend not just tolerable to live with but an excellent companion to give you many years of love, laughter, and enjoyment
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