Technology Programming

Web Banner Design V/S Print Advertisement

Banner design and print advertisements are both used for marketing. These tools are used for promotional purposes along with creating awareness among public. Importance of both the tools can't be undermined or overshadowed but just to evaluate the benefits of both of them we are going to compare them. In business world, success lies in taking maximum output with minimum input therefore strategies and tools must also be used chosen with the same objective.

Print advertisements appear in newspaper or magazines while web banners are placed at different web sites. Like for newspaper you have to look for the one that has greater viewership and reaches your target customers, similar goes with the web sites. You have to look for the web sites that have good ranking and there is assurance that your target customers visit those web sites. It is not as simple as it seems to be rather a profound research should be carried out in order to figure out websites that can help you reap the highest benefit.

Number of Target Audience

Newspaper reaches to an enormous number of audience but not everyone of them is your target audience while in case of web banner designs, the percentage of non-targeted visitors is small which enables you to pitch firmly to your target customers only. The effectiveness of print advertisement and web banner in terms of target customers also varies with the type of business. For example your target audience ranges from middle class till upper class then print advertisements can help you in great deal since it covers both the classes with ease.


Availability of newspaper and internet are the crucial factors in deciding which option to go for when advertising a certain product. Again one will have to analyze the target market and their resources. If you are targeting middle class then many may not have excess to internet or many might not like using internet or surfing different web sites then using web banner designs as a tool may not prove to be beneficial while on the other hand if you think that you are able to reach your target audience via certain websites then you must go for the web banners.


Coming to the most important part of choosing any business tool, if your are giving an advertisement in a renowned and entrenched newspaper then you surely will have to pay a huge amount while the web banners also cost high when they are being placed at any good website but the exposure that one gets from both these tools shows a remarkable difference.

Giving advertisement in a newspaper is just one day story while the web banners are placed for a longer duration therefore give you more exposure and help you entice more and more customers.


Web banner designs can readily connect your customers to your website. Just a click and the customer will land onto your website. This will help him/her to know about your advertised product in detail and make a decision with extreme ease. In case of print advertisement, the connectivity process isn't that efficient as the customer has to take out an extra time to browse your website and find out the required details.

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