Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

The Right Way To Renew An Expired U.S. Passport

When going on an unplanned vacation, we tend to think that all our travel documents are in order. This is not the case for in most cases, you will find out that the documents you have are expired thus you will be required to have a replacement for the expired pasport. In order to achieve this, you need to have some considerations in mind in order to get the documents in the shortest time possible.

Online Forms

The first thing you need to do is either visit an embassy and fill an application form manually or download a form from the Internet. For the process to take less time, it would be advisable to present your previous passport. In the case where your document is tattered or has any alterations, it will be wise to present yourself to the agency for verification.

Damaged Passport

Suppose the US passport is damaged in the sense that the content and photo are not visible, there is no need to renew it as you will have to apply for a new one. Furthermore, if the document was acquired like fifteen years ago, it is time you get another new one.


When renewing through mail, you should put the forms and the old travel document in an envelope to ensure that the forms are not destroyed. Moreover,the embassy should inform you when they get it and at what time you should expect to get both the old and new back. In addition, ask which form of payment you will use to pay for the process, through either check or credit card.


Even though your old traveling permit has a photo, you will be required to submit two new ones. The photos have to be recent ones. You should go for a photographer who will produce quality images for them not to be rejected. Moreover, ensure that photos are the required size with white background. Remember not to wear spectacles or sunglasses for the photo.

Travel Permit

In the event that you have a tight schedule, you can simply contract a traveling agency to renew the document on your behalf. When choosing the agency to do this for you, ensure the agency is ethical and professional. Even, though the agency will hurry up the process of renewal, you need to be cautious with companies that are out to earn a quick buck. Choose an agency that will deal with your urgency.


For the process to be swift, you have to pay the required amount of money as stipulated by the embassy office. Ensure that your agent reputable and will process your passport for a reasonable fee. If you are renewing through the mail, you have to cater for the cost of transportation.

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