Health & Medical Nutrition

Will Drinking a Lot of Water Flush Kidneys and Liver the Way We Think?

The question of whether will drinking a lot of water flush kidneys and liver, is not necessarily a simple one.
It is important to understand how the body's fluid supply is used and processed.
The kidneys, liver and bodily fluids interact in a complicated manner that is almost entirely dependent on water.
Our bodies are made up of nearly three quarters of it.
It is in our individual cells, in our veins and arteries, as well as in spaces between the cells and the blood vessels.
Everything our bodies do requires its presence in order to function properly.
Of course, it constantly is removed from our body, by way of urination and perspiration, and must be replaced on a constant basis.
In other words, a relatively continuous flow through the system is required for all the components to work properly.
During our daily activity, nutrients, hormones and other elements are transported throughout our systems by this circulation.
As our muscles and various organs function, there are waste products and toxins produced that must be removed.
Fluids we consume are also responsible for performing this task.
If these wastes are allowed to build up in certain areas, a number of maladies can occur.
Conditions such as kidney infections, gallstones and kidney stones are directly related to wastes collecting instead of being removed.
For example, without enough liquid to dilute bile secretions and elements in the urine, these elements, along with bacteria, can concentrate and gather in the organs.
Flushing out toxins is a primary means of preventing certain diseases.
In addition to substances we produce naturally, there are numerous outside sources that invade our systems.
We are exposed to harmful substances each day in our air, food and things we touch.
It is crucial that the body is able to wash these away.
However, the quality of what we drink is as important as the amount.
Much of the available water sources contain high levels of chlorine, lime, phosphates, or other undesirable chemicals and minerals.
Not only are these found in most all from the tap, as well as a large percentage of the bottled varieties on the market will contain them too.
Anytime we drink unwanted substances, our liver and kidneys are forced to filter them out, along with all of the naturally produced material that is already there.
It is essential to have a plentiful intake, but it needs to be of a quality that does not add to the problem.
The key to flushing unwanted waste is to consume the purest available.
If not pure, it will hinder any beneficial effects by introducing even more materials that need to be removed.
Water is the single most important thing in our bodies and should be of the best quality obtainable.

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