Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Targeted Home Business Lead Generation

Generating leads and generating targeted leads are two distinct things. When you generate leads, you are just acquiring contact information of some random people, most will probably not be interested in your business opportunity at all. Cold calling is an example that fits into this category. Cold callers get a list of people from maybe lead generation software or an agency that deals in leads and they call them out of the blue. There is no targeting to these lists at all and they are basically just some people who happen to exist that are getting called.

However, the online world is all about targeted leads now. You do not reach out to people as much as you make them reach out to you. In the world of network marketing, this is extremely important and the best part is that its possible. The following are some tactics in which network marketers are generating thousands of targeted leads that are becoming the backbone of their entire business. You'll see that all these methods use the Internet as the form of communication.

1. Article Marketing - Article marketing means writing focused articles about your topic and submitting them to special places over the Internet that are known as article directories. These directories enable the Author to create a brief bio about the business and provide a link to its website. The article directories are optimized for the search engines. When people search for information on business opportunities, they are highly likely to see the article and read it. If impressed by it, they will visit the website and even sign up for the network marketing opportunity. This works amazingly well because the idea has almost been sold to the visitor before he or she comes to the website.

2. Blogs - Blogs Attract a lot of interested Readers. If you make a blog about work-at-home business opportunities and highlight your program on it, you are sure to see a huge amount of traffic over time. Blogs work effectively at getting prospects to sign up as well, because they are as good as a normal conversation if you update them often.

3. Video Marketing - YouTube is Viewed by millions of viewers each day. People are beginning to search for almost everything on this portal. If you have a couple of videos about your business venture on such a site, you are guaranteed to find a lot of buyers. The impressive thing about it is you can put your face right in front of their eyes, which adds a lot to your credibility.

These are three of many methods to bring in people who are really interested in your business opportunity. Of course, methods like social networking, bookmarking, email marketing etc. Are great options too and you must research and apply these as well to grow your business.

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