Health & Medical Acne

Natural Acne Remedies From Your Home Or Garden

Natural acne remedies can be found in your own home or garden.  These are worth trying rather than buying expensive products that may or may not work.

A mixture of oatmeal and honey is a popular natural acne remedy and is also found in many commercial skin products. To make a face mask mix together oatmeal, honey and water to form a paste and apply this to the face. Wash it off after about ten minutes – don't let it get too dry otherwise it will be difficult to remove. The oatmeal acts as an exfoliant getting rid of dead skin cells and also absorbs the oil from your face. The honey tones the skin and also makes the mixture easier to apply.

Another combination to try is honey and apples. Mash the apples into a fine pulp and mix in some honey and water to create a paste. Apply this to your face and wash off with warm water after about five minutes.

Peppermint is another natural acne remedy which you might like to try. The active ingredient here is menthol which is both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Take the leaves from a peppermint plant and crush them. The best way to do this is using a pestle and mortar. Apply the resulting mixture directly to your skin – the menthol might make it sting a little. Wash the mixture off after a short while.

Milk and lime juice is an alternative to commercially produced face washes. Bring some milk to the boil and then squeeze some lime juice in to it. The milk will moisturise your skin and the acidity of the lime will help neutralize any bacteria.

Face masks can also be made from egg whites and the juice of lemons. Whisk the white of an egg until it becomes stiff and then mix in a small amount of lemon juice. You can also include witch hazel, which has astringent properties. Apply this mixture to your face and wash off with warm water after about 15 minutes.

Another good natural acne remedy is tomato. Cut a ripe tomato into slices and leave it for a while so that the juice can drain away. Apply the tomato slices to your face for about fifteen minutes. Tomato paste can be used instead of actual tomatoes.

A paste of crushed aspirin mixed with water can be applied to spots. Similarly, a paste of crushed garlic mixed with water and baking soda can be applied. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties and can also reduce the redness and inflammation.

If your acne is not too severe then you might find that one of these is right for you and that you don't need to look further for help than your own home or garden for one of these natural acne remedies.

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