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How Do I Lose Stomach Fat Fast - See Why Your Belly Fat Is So Stubborn

Isn't it frustrating when you see some guy or girl out there sporting flat six pack abs, while you sit and wonder, "how do I lose my stomach fat fast, like they did.
" Sometimes, it seems like people are just born to have a nice set of abs, while others struggle to just pick off a few pounds.
Well, while some of this might be true and that genetics do have a roll in how a physique looks like.
It isn't a end all excuse to why you might not have a flat stomach.
There are certain principles, when it comes to fat loss, that need to be followed if you were not born with perfect genetics.
And if you don't follow them, chances are you probably will never lose your stomach fat...
The first principle is how you currently eat.
Are you eating lots of processed foods, whole wheats, sugars or juices? Chances are these type of foods are killing your chances of ever seeing your abs.
Switch those foods for high protein foods, whole fruits, green veggies and good omega 3 rich fats like whole eggs and grass fed beef.
Very simple to do and this alone can get you major results within a couple weeks.
Next, if you are not working out intensely, start doing so 3 to 4 times a week.
Stick with 90% of your time in the gym being on heavy compound weight lifting.
This alone will build you slabs of muscle that will raise your metabolism for days and weeks after you are done working out.
This is because muscle is the #1 factor in how high of a metabolism you have.
The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn.
Plus, muscle will add lots of shape to your body, making you look leaner.
My last tactic for you to increase how fast you lose your stomach fat, is to do high intensity interval running 1 to 2 times a week.
Here is how you do it: Warmup for 2min jogging lightly Run top speed for 15 seconds Jog for 1:45mins Do that between 3 to 8 times, or however many times your current fitness level allows.
This type of training is like throwing fire on your metabolism.
If you are brave enough to keep this type of intensity for weeks on end, you will soon be seeing a set on nice flat abs that you used to think were not possible.

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