Home & Garden Pest Control

Controlling Pests that Pester You. Part 2: Flies

You told us the pests that most pester you, so we, in turn, are providing a hub of information for control of those top pests. Simply review the short write up on each article or video and click the link for more information.

The top pestering pest was rodents. This second article in the series focuses on your #2 concern: flies. 15% of responders said they have or have had a problem with flies in their homes.

The Filthy House Fly
The common house fly is also known as the "filth fly" because it can contaminate foods and surfaces by simply landing on them. The fly sitting on the edge of your glass may very well have come directly from feasting on trash, manure, or other waste. (Yuck!) Learn all about this common but filthy fly.

Indoor Control of House Flies
Whacking flies with a fly swatter – or trying to – is one of the most common forms of "controlling" house flies, and if you have only one or two, it may even be the most effective. But to reduce or eliminate an infestation, you have to find and eliminate the things that are attracting the flies and enabling them to feed and breed. Find out what you can do for long term control of flies.

Outdoor House Fly Control
In almost all cases, flies originate outdoors. Because of this, the first step in successful control of any fly problem is determining where the flies are breeding. This involves inspection, sanitation, exclusion, and mechanical and chemical control, as warranted.

Attract, Trap, and Zap Flying Insects
Insect light traps -- also called insect electrocutors or bug zappers, can very effective in attracting, trapping, and zapping flying insects. But because these traps do attract and zap, you don't want to place them to attract flies to you or zap parts into your food! Find out more about these bug lights and most effective uses.

Tiny, Red-Eyed Flies Flitting Around Your Fruit?
The fruit fly is one of the most common, and one of the smallest flies found in the home. It is often unknowingly brought into the home on fresh fruits and vegetables. And once it is in your home, it can seem impossible to get rid of it. But there are means of control!

Managing the Moth Fly
The Moth – or Drain – Fly is a very small fly often misidentified as a fruit fly. This fly, however, feeds on sewage and rot. And if you have them in your home, it usually indicates a much deeper, sewer or drainage line problem. Find out more about this pest and what its presence means.

What Do Insects Do in Winter?
Why do flies seem to be everywhere in the summer then almost (though, unfortunately not completely) disappear in the winter? Where do they go and what do they do to be able to reappear in heavy populations come spring and summer?

Controlling the Exasperating Cluster Fly
This large fly is often confused with the House Fly, but is most easily differentiated by its slow, sluggish movement. Its name is symbolic of its habit of clustering, especially around windows and lit areas. Read more about this fly and its control.

10 Tips to Keep Pests Out
Don't wait until you are brushing flies off your food or drinking glass (Did you know the fly regurgitates every time it lands?!) Instead take some steps in and around your home toward prevention to keep flies and other pests out.

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Home
This article addresses similar issues of keeping flies and other pests out of your home, but it provides a Question/Answer format of some of the most common questions homeowners ask.

10 Key Resources for Identifying and Controlling Flying Ants
So when that flying insect isn't a fly at all, what then? If you nab that critter only to discover it looks more like an ant with wings – it's time to take immediate action! Find out what and why in this Flying Ant article.

Next in the series ... Ants.

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