Travel & Places Cruises & Ocean Liners

Cheap P and O Cruises - The Deals and Offers.

P&O Cruises are the leading cruise line in the UK and righfully so. They have over 175 years experience of giving the discerning British Cruiser exactly what they want. This is quality food and service without the gimmicks of other cruise lines.

Historically you could shop around between cruise agents and haggle/barter with them to try and drive the price down. In 2011/2012 this has changed as P&O have reduced the commission rate they pay their agents so they are in more control of their prices. This is good news to the consumers but recently we are being asked how to get those important P&O Cruises.

P&O cruises have just introduced a new system which means if you book early and the price goes down your fare will be reduced. However this is more of a gimmick as when P&O introduce a late fare into the market it is called a getaway fare. With this fare you dont know your cabin number and you have to pay in full. Also if you cancel you do not receive any form of refund.The price guarantee is not applicable for getwaway fares. The getaway fares are the best way of getting cheap P&O cruises.

Mind you are the Getaway fares always the cheapest, most of the time they are, however these prices can also change. In essence P&O cruises use these fares as tester fares. What they will do is see the run rate of each sailing approximately 6 months out. They will gauge if they are selling enough on a weekly basis so that ship sails full and it is all completed around one month departure. This gives them enough time to fill any last minute beds to cancellations.

If the ship is not on the required run rate, they will dip their toe into the market with a Getaway Fare and get their trade partners to push the sailing. If this does the job at the new price they will keep it where it is so the ship fills at a nice rate. However sometimes the new getaway fare does not work and they will invariably panic. They will put into the market a very aggressive price in which they are hoping will stir enough interest to fill the ship. Sometimes when this happens they are too aggressive and it sells too quickly. When this happens they will then start putting the price up to get the maximum yield.

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