How to Pre-Write an Outline
- 1). Jot down sections for the type of paper you will be writing. These will vary depending on your grade level, the nature of the assignment and any special instructions from your teacher. If you're writing a basic, five-paragraph essay, for example, the sections will be an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion.
- 2). Write the word "Introduction" at the top of one page, and write down key words that will help you introduce your topic. Depending on the flexibility you have in the assignment, you could begin your introduction with a catchy anecdote. Regardless, make sure your introduction highlights the three main topics of your essay and makes the reader want to continue reading.
- 3). Write "Paragraph 1," "Paragraph 2" and "Paragraph 3" on three separate sheets of paper. Under each header, write down crucial points you want to include in your outline, and eventually in your paper. Remember that the pre-written outline doesn't have to follow any specific rules. You can jot down any ideas that come to mind, and explore them afterward. An effective pre-writing habit is to give yourself 15 minutes to brainstorm any topics you might include. Once you write your actual outline, you can use as many of these topics as necessary.
- 4). Label another sheet of paper with "Conclusion," then compile your notes for the conclusion of your outline and for the essay or report itself. The conclusion should tie together the body of your paper. If the assignment format allows, the conclusion should pose a question that encourages further reflection.
- 5). Read through your pre-written outline sections and consider your notes. Once you've read everything, eliminate points that don't fit, and highlight or circle the points you want to develop. When finished, you'll have an excellent idea of what content is best and how to proceed with your outline.