Health & Medical Lose Weight

Do Organic Foods Really Help With Weight Loss?

For the past several years the organic debate has been on.
Many argue that organic food is just a more expensive way to eat or just the new trend.
Others disagree and strongly believe that going organic will improve your overall health and help in weight loss.
Generally organic products tend to be priced a bit higher than non-organic foods but the question at hand is if organic foods do in fact help your health and help control your weight are those benefits worth the extra penny or dime in your pocket.
Society is very quick to blame the overweight and obesity epidemic on overeating and lack of physical activity.
Yes, overeating and just sitting on the couch in front of the television does add to weight issues but recent studies are arguing that the usage of synthetic chemicals, meaning man-made chemicals, are just as guilty if not more so.
The majority of products found in the grocery store today include some sort of synthetic chemical, whether it be pesticides used in the production of produce, growth hormones used in meat production and artificial flavoring used in just about everything these days.
Products found on the shelves using high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, saccharine and MSG are multiplying at a rapid pace.
These products have already been argued to cause cancer and now if they are adding to the obesity rates our human population doesn't have a fighting chance.
Sugar substitutes such as aspartame that is found in many diet sodas lead you to believe that you are choosing the healthier option however these sugar substitutes are messing with your body and brain.
Sugar substitutes are toxins that continue to build up in your body that lowers your metabolism and disrupts the hunger signals sent to your brain telling you when you are full which results in weight gain.
While organic food is a little pricier it stops the toxins in its tracks.
Your body doesn't go down that deadly path with eating organic foods.
Organic foods do not contain artificial ingredients which eliminates chemicals and toxins right away from entering your body.
Produce and meat that has been grown and produced organically have not been contaminated with chemicals or pesticides.
Organic farmers do not use conventional methods of farming they rely on soil and water conservation to reduce pollution.
They also don't use chemicals to reduce weeds or prevent livestock diseases.
Organic farmers rely on crop rotations, natural fertilizers and the spreading of mulch and manure to ensure the non-contamination of their products.
Why sacrifice your health when you have other options.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and protein are vital to a healthy diet and losing weight.
Organic produce and meats will definitely benefit you health wise by not polluting your body with any unwanted toxins and chemicals.
By eliminating processed foods you are reducing empty calories from your diet that will help aid your weight loss efforts.
Organic or not will always be a debate but the bottom line is to simply watch what you put in your body.
Eat real food and stay away from foods with preservatives and harmful additives and toxins.
Eating a balanced diet with food from the major food groups and keeping processed food to a minimum is something all experts agree on.
Just remember the saying, "you are what you eat.

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