Business & Finance Business Information

Network Marketing - Finding Their Why

Finding your prospect's "Why" is the most critical step in the process of sponsoring new people. Opportunity aside, product aside, compensation aside - you could have the most impressive network marketing company in the world and it wouldn't matter unless your prospects know why they're getting into it.

And it's not as simple as wanting more money.
Everyone wants more money.

That's not a good enough reason. It's not a driving force, it's not something that will make them want to join with you and more importantly, it's not a reason to become successful. Their "Why" needs to be precise, detailed, and clear to both them and you before they'll think twice about pursuing your opportunity.

What would you use the money for? Do you want a new car? A new home? To get out of debt? To cover the kids' college? To buy a vineyard? To invest in the community? To help others without money?

All of these are precise reasons why your network marketing opportunity might be a good choice for your prospect, and they should be crystal clear before bringing them into the business.

So, how do you find their why?
Ask questions.

It's really that simple.
Nothing fancy, nothing complicated. Just ask Why.

But here's the key - make sure their answer is precise. Make sure it's clear. Having an interest in making money isn't going to cut it. Why do they want to make more money? Keep digging until you get to their reason, their desire, to join with you.

For example:

So, Ms. Prospect, why are you interested in a home based business?
--- Oh, I want more money.
--- It'd be nice to have a little extra, y'know?

Awesome, I know exactly what you mean. But why?
--- Why what?

Why do you want to make a little extra money?
--- Well, I don't make as much as I'd like.

Okay. How much would you like to make?
--- Maybe an extra $1,000 a month, that would be a huge help.

Yeah, an extra $1,000 a month would be awesome to have!
What would you use that extra money for?
--- I want to get rid of my credit card debt.

...and there it is. The driving force that makes your opportunity a means to an end, instead of some opportunity to make more money. Finding their Why is an incredibly powerful way to not only to make your prospect interested in your opportunity, but also gives them a solid reason to drive them to become successful in it themselves.

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