Health & Medical Acne

Does Food Cause Your Acne?

There are many people who say diet has nothing to do with your acne.
However, when I suffered from acne I found the ONLY thing that cleared my skin was changing my diet...
The people who say that changing your diet won't help are either trying to sell you a pill (whether antibiotics or herbal formula), or trying to sell some kind of cleanser.
So be aware that these people are saying diet won't help acne because they want you to buy their stuff.
So how does food cause acne? Well, it does it by affecting your hormonal balance.
When your hormones become unbalanced (and if you're genetically prone to getting acne), then you will breakout in acne.
The more imbalanced your hormones are, the worse the acne you get...
I actually tried many different diets to clear my skin, including an apple diet.
I found that a diet that aims to balance your hormones is easily the best one to follow.
So next time you try and clear your acne, look into what you eat.
Here's a tip, don't eat vegetable oil as it causes your hormones to become very unbalanced.
This means not using vegetable oils as cooking oils, and not eating stuff like pesto (and other foods with vegetable oil in them.
) Changing your diet is very simple and easy to do, and it will clear up your acne, no matter how bad, in a matter of days.
For more information about clearing your acne visit my website now.

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