How Does a Urinary Tract Infection Happen?
- Urinary tract infections or UTIs can occur for any number of reasons. Because they are caused when bacteria passes through the urethra and gets into the bladder or kidneys to multiply in the urine, they can occur in any woman who is sexually active, who has sickle cell-disease, pregnant women, and men with prostate disease. UTIs can also occur in people with food allergies, or people who use latex condoms, spermicides, or oral contraceptives if they develop an allergy to these things. Elderly and people who use urinary catheters are also susceptible to UTIs.
- Most often, the bacteria enters the urethra from the outside of the body because of any of the above reasons and multiplies in the urine. In some cases, it can enter through the blood stream from certain existing diseases. The bacteria infects the kidney or bladder and causes pain, discomfort and other symptoms associated with a urinary tract infection.
- When people get a UTI, they begin to notice that they are urinating more frequently than usual and feel like they have to go again soon as soon as they are finished but are unable to. They may also notice they are getting up at urinate at night, discomfort or burning during urination, pain in the urinary tract, blood or pus in the urine, fever, a foul smell in the urine, or a doctor may notice protein in the urine. If the UTI infection spreads to their kidneys, they may also notice vomiting pain in the side, or grain, night sweats, or exhaustion. Sometimes a person will not notice any symptom of a urinary tract infection.
- Urinary tract infections are most often diagnosed from the presence of the symptoms. This will prompt a doctor visit that will have a urine culture examined. If there is a large amount of bacteria in the urine test, it will confirm the presence of UTI. Treatment of a urinary tract infection by a doctor will include a simple oral antibiotic. For someone with experience with bladder and kidney infections they may be able to recognize and treat a UTI before it gets serious by flushing with water, drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, and ingesting vitamin C.