Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Chicken Coop Plans - Answers to Some Questions

Chicken coop plans are like any other plans.
I like a quote by Basil S Walsh.
" An intelligent plan is the first step to success.
The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive".
Chicken coop plans are the same.
Know your why! What I mean is know why you are looking for chicken coop plans and the needs you have to fill for yourself.
Some of the answers might be common ones but only you really know what is going to be important to you.
When you get a better idea of what your why is.
That's when you can be more specific on what type of plans you are going to be looking for.
Chicken coop plans are plentiful.
To find them, all you need to do is go on the internet and do a Google search and you will get a huge return of search pages from a lot of different sources you can pick from.
Some are better than others and that's where your why comes in.
Now that you have figured out what you need, and what you want.
Narrowing down your search will be a much easier process.
Let's cover some basic things to think about when you are thinking about your needs.
The placement of your coop is something you want to think about.
Is the area you are going to build safe from predators like cats, dogs, large predatory birds that are going to threaten your chickens? What is the size of your yard and will you be able to build a small, medium, or large, coop? Is there a water source close to the feeding area you plan on building? What is the slope of the ground that you are going to building on? When it rains will the water drain away from it? The area you live in needs to be taken into consideration.
Are the winters cold the majority of the time? Is the heat a factor where you live? Do you live in the city or the country side? Are the codes in your area a factor? To check if raising chickens is allowed in your area a quick call to the city hall building and safety department will give you the answer, or the extension that will have answer you need.
The right department can tell you if you can continue with your building and raise chickens in your area.
Answering these basic questions along with knowing your why will allow you to pick your chicken coop plans with confidence in knowing you have put in the time and thought of your project to be built.
I am confident that your search will be a success with these important tips to consider, good luck with your plans.

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