Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Panic Disorder - An Overview

An individual experiencing a panic attack feels an undeniable wave of fear for no particular reason at all. Panic disorder is an illness that affects people in their early to middle adulthood. It is characterized by brief, unprovoked episodes of panic.

Panic disorder is defined as the occurrence of 4 or more panic attacks over a 4 week period, OR the occurrence of 1 or more panic attacks accompanied by continuous fear that another attack will happen,that occurs over a four week period.

Anxiety disorders and panic disorders can cause some truly awful feelings and symptoms. The symptoms of a panic attack can be extremely uncomfortable, such as dizziness, heavy sweating, hard breathing, and uncontrollable shaking.

A person experiencing anxiety panic disorder will feel as though they are about to die when these symptoms are combined. Because the anxiety panic attack can mimic a variety of health conditions, they are often misdiagnosed for years. Some of these conditions are:

Heart arrhythmia

Causes of Panic Disorders

Serious emotional disturbance and mental health disorders such as depression, extreme shyness, alcohol addiction, and behavioral problems often cause initial panic disorders. As suicide attempts are more common with depressed people, those with panic disorders are also more prone to commit suicide.

The distress of living with Panic Disorder Symptoms can only be experienced by those who have experienced it. In most cases, people suffering from panic or anxiety disorder suffer from recurring attacks as this is caused mainly due to constant worrying and fear of having another attack.

Panic attack cures can be simple but effective. You just need to be determined and focused.Determination and focused approach is necessary in panic attack cures which are both simple and effective.Panic attack cures are crucial and systematic.

Such patients can be treated with effective combination of medication and behavioural therapy. Panic disorder medicines are made available which doctors recommend for keeping the condition under control. Usually such medicines meant to stop panic attack and cure panic disorders are suggested to take in combination with behavioural therapy.

It is essential to understand that having a panic attack once or twice does not label a person as a panic disorder patient. People who experience frequent panic attacks and constantly fear future attacks are said to suffer from panic disorder.

There are a number of treatments that have been used successfully treat this second or "pure" type of panic disorder. Your doctor has a number of drugs available to help treat your panic disorder. These drugs come with advantages and disadvantages.

Another very important self help method to treat panic and anxiety disorder is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, abstinence from stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and avoid alcohol intake. One of the fundamentals of anxiety release methods is to adapt relaxation techniques that can help you distress and impart calmness to the body and mind.

Traditional psychotherapy has very little to offer anyone suffering from panic disorder since, for most, there is no real psychologically based link to the trigger events. Understanding your psyche may be rewarding for other reasons, but it's unlikely to be helpful with a true panic disorder.

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