Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Chicken Coop and Run - Three Top Tips For Building Your Own

Have you ever dreamed of building your own chicken coop and run, and keeping chickens at home? Many people raise chickens and enjoy fresh eggs daily - and the good news is that building your own haven for chickens isn't as difficult as you might think.
Their space generally consists of the coop, where they can breed and lay their eggs, and the run which is an open area for them to use.
A good design and proper building means your chickens will be well protected and happy living in their new home.
Three Quick Tips for Building Your Chicken Coop and Run: 1) Firstly, you're going to have to find the right location for your chicken coop and run.
The run will depend on the risk of predators and the space you have available.
You'll also want to make sure that the coop itself gets plenty of shade, and that's it's big enough to house your chickens comfortably.
You don't want to squash them in, as this could negatively affect their quality of life and the eggs they produce.
2) Materials: These are very important, as they'll impact on how much cleaning and maintenance the coop needs once it's been built.
Make sure it's easy to disinfect, and that the material on the floor can be sprayed and cleaned but won't form any puddles.
When you put the materials together, it will need to protect the chickens against weather conditions, and make sure you have a mesh and fence to protect against the predators in your area.
3) The Design: The design will differ depending on where you're building your chicken house.
Building on a farm, for example, is different from building on a house.
Building at your home means you're going to have to keep the aesthetics in mind, both for the value of your own property and to keep your neighbours happy with what you're doing.
Make sure it's big enough for you to go inside and collect the eggs.
Conclusion If you get hold of some good chicken coop and run plans, you'll find the whole building process a lot simpler, and you'll end up with a result that both you and your chickens will love! Proper planning in the beginning is well worth it to save yourself time, money and headaches down the line.
Just make sure your chickens are happy, and they will reward you will plenty of tasty, fresh eggs.

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