Health & Medical Acne

Homemade Acne Treatments That Will Work Wonders For You

Have you spent a fortune on over-the-counter products in the hope of finding that magic potion that will banish the "curse of the zits" forever? Unfortunately there isn't one. But do you realise that in your kitchen, you will find some simple but highly effective natural acne remedies that have proven to be equally, if not more effective in dealing with those zits, than many conventional treatments?

Cosmetics can certainly be a cause of blocked pores and dry skin, which can cause pimples and acne. That doesn't mean to wear less, but what it does mean is to pay attention to what you wear. Leaning towards cosmetics that are non comedogenic or oil-free, will help ensure that they don't block your pores. When removing it, you want to make sure that you wash the areas completely, and don't leave your make up on overnight.

Certainly a multi purpose remedy, apple cider vinegar is very good for cleaning up acne. It can kill off those acne causing bacteria, absorb excess oil and adjust the pH of your skin. Apply diluted vinegar (8: 1 with water) directly on to the affected skin, leave for about 10 minutes and then rinse off.

Vitamin B3 is also recommended - topical gel, it contains around 4% of Niacinamide, you should only apply 2 times per day.

Vitamin B6 is also recommended - taking a doze of one hundred milligrams in a day, This one is said to help when a woman has her period.

Believe it or not, stress is a major acne trigger in many people.  To help prevent breakouts, find ways to manage and control your stress levels. Get enough sleep as well as regular physical exercise. And, practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation, or just include "you" time into your busy schedule.

One of the best natural acne cures is lemon juice and cinnamon powder. Make a paste from these two ingredients, and apply it to your skin every day. Leave it on the skin for an hour or two, and rinse it off with warm water.

Finally, Aloe Vera extract is the last in the league of the top 5 best home remedies. Aloe Vera is readily available and acts very well against acne. It has a very special content that actually drives the immune system, which helps the skin to become healthy and fights all sorts of skin imperfections, defects and breakouts. It also heals scar tissues at a very fast pace.

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