Family & Relationships Conflict

3 Basic Steps on Making Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

Sometimes, girls have trouble moving on after a breakup because they didn't really expect it to happen to begin with.
So, if you are still in love with your ex boyfriend and are thinking about making your ex boyfriend want you back, then here are 3 basic steps that can get you what you want in no time.
Step 1: Take control of your emotions.
If making your ex boyfriend want you back is your top priority at the moment, then you have to take full control of your emotions, no matter what.
The majority of girls out there tend to do crazy things when they want to win their ex boyfriends back.
Unfortunately, calling, texting and emailing your ex to no end will not help you get him back.
Doing so will only make you look like a stalker.
So, before anything else, get a hold of yourself.
Step 2: Live your life without him.
This might sound counterproductive to making your ex boyfriend want you back, but you have to focus on getting your life together before you can get what you want.
Reconnect with your closest friends and spend more time with them.
Be more productive with your life, in general, too, and become a better person.
Try taking some classes and starting new hobbies, for instance.
Once your ex boyfriend realizes that you are no longer pining for him, he is sure to sit up and take notice of you more.
You just wait and see.
Step 3: Act like he doesn't exist.
This might sound counterproductive, too, but it would be vital to pretend like you don't care about the breakup very much.
See, guys aren't too fond of girls who run after them, especially if those girls are their ex girlfriends.
So, if you keep working on your self-confidence without thinking about your ex, then you can make his curiosity skyrocket and make him wonder why you no longer care about him so much.
This will, in turn, spike up his interest and make him run after you instead.
Now that you have read the 3 steps mentioned above, you should understand that making your ex boyfriend want you back has nothing to do with working hard for his attention.
Instead, all you have to do is love yourself and everything else should fall into place on its own in no time.
Try it!

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