Health & Medical Nutrition

Ten Antioxidant Rich Foods That You Can Find Easily in Your Local Grocery Store

Anti-oxidants are chemicals that can react and combine with free radicals.
Anti-oxidant combines with these radicals and forms compounds that our body naturally removes out of the body.
If these radicals reacted instead with other chemicals in our body, they could form compounds that can be harmful to our body.
These harmful compounds could damage the quality of your skin, hair etc or even be a cause of fatal disease like cancer.
Here is an easy to understand list of 10 good antioxidant foods which are inexpensive and easy to find.
  1. Berries:Yes, berries..
    Blueberry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Acai berry contain high quantity of antioxidants.
    Other less known berries include Barberry, Currant, Elderberry, Gooseberry, Honeyberry, Nannyberry, Sea-buckthorn.
    Berries that have dark and vibrant colors have higher antioxidants content.
  2. Broccoli: If you love broccoli, you will be happy to know that broccoli contain high quantity of antioxidants as well.
    Broccoli should not be boiled more than 10 minutes.
    If you boil or cook them too much, its nutrients will be lost.
    Cauliflowers are different from Broccoli.
    Most cauliflowers are white or yellowish in color.
    Broccoli are green.
  3. Tomatoes:Tomatoes contain lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants.
    They are in number of varieties.
    A variety of Tomato called Double Rich Tomatoes contain twice the nutrients than usual tomatoes.
    Tomato is also known to prevent breast cancer and neuro-degenerative diseases.
  4. Red Grapes: Grapes contain flavonoid compounds like quercitin, resvaratrol that are known to reduce heart diseases.
    The darker the color, the more concentration of the flavonoids.
    Because red wine is made mostly of red grapes, drinking a glass everyday is encouraged even by the doctors.
  5. Garlic:Garlic, specially aged garlic contain high quantity of antioxidants.
    You can find garlic supplements if you do not like eating garlic.
    It is used as herbal medicine since ancient times.
  6. Spinach:Spinach is extremely rich in antioxidants.
    It should be steamed or boiled for as little time as possible.
    Spinach also contains numerous other nutrients.
  7. Tea:Both green tea and black tea contain numerous antioxidants.
    The main nutrient is catechins.
    Regular consumption of tea also reduces heart diseases and prevent diabetes.
  8. Carrot:Besides high quantity of Vitamin A, carrots are also rich in fiber, antioxidants and minerals.
    Carrot comes in many varieties.
    Baby-carrots are easier and tastier to eat.
  9. Soy: Soybean is famous for its protein content but it is also full of antioxidants called Isoflavone and daidzein too.
    Nutritionist and physicians claim that it can prevent cancer.
    Soy also contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for healthy brain.
    Some people develop allergic symptoms to soybean.
    If you are not, Soy is a good source of nutrients for healthy living.
  10. Whole Grains:Whole grains include oats, barley, popcorn, brown rice, whole wheat flour etc.

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