Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Tulsa Divorce Lawyer - 3 Common Causes Of The Astronomically Expensive Divorce

The reality of divorce is that it can get very expensive.  If you are reading this article, then there is a high probability that you and your ex have already filed for divorce or are about to file for divorce.  Lucky for you, you have stumbled across this article.

In this article we will explain three common causes that drive the cost of divorce to get expensive.  Keep in mind, not all divorces are expensive and your's does not have to be expensive.  By reading the rest of this article, you will become knowledgeable about three of the most common causes and you will be able to act preemptively in order to keep the cost of your divorce in check.

Cause Number One – A Breakdown In Communication.  During the early stages of divorce, whenever a breakdown in communication occurs between you and your ex and the breakdown lasts longer than a few days, you can rest assure that either you or your ex will ‘lawyer up'.  During the breakdown, you are going to experience strong feelings of uncertainty.  During the breakdown, your ex is going to experience strong feelings of uncertainty.  Those strong feelings, unless they are put at ease by reopening the channel of communication, will result in both of you ‘lawyering up'.  Once you and your ex have ‘lawyered up', you can expect the divorce to cost each of you at least $1000.00 dollars and you can expect the divorce to last at least three months. 

If you want to avoid this result, then take our advice and maintain an open channel of communication between you and your ex.  Doing so does not mean that you and ex have to be friends, it just means that the two of you communicate well enough between yourselves to be able to discuss the unresolved issues.

Cause Number Two – Hiring The Wrong Attorney.  You would be surprised at the number of people who hire an attorney who they are uncomfortable being around.  Whenever you hire an attorney who you are uncomfortable being around, communication between you and the attorney is going to be difficult.  That difficulty is going to slow the progress of your divorce case down considerably. 

If you want to avoid this mistake, then take our advice and hire an attorney who you are comfortable being around.  Keep in mind, throughout the divorce, you are going to be working closely with the attorney.  At times, you are going to share some of the most intimate details of your life with the attorney.  That being said, does it make sense to hire an attorney who you are comfortable with???

Cause Number Three – Pettiness.  Have you ever heard of a divorce case that lasted sixteen months, eighteen months, or longer???  Do you want to know why the divorce case lasted so long?  The answer is probably ‘pettiness'.  You would be surprised at the number of divorces that drag on for months upon end simply because the ex's squabble over which one of them should be awarded ownership of the foot stool in the living room as part of the property settlement.  

If you want to avoid having a divorce that lasts longer than one year, then take our advice and  avoid being petty when discussing settlement with your ex.

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