Can One Get a Physical Rush Out of Conversational Debate if Agreement is Reached?
Many folks want so much to get along with everyone, they care so much about agreeing with other people.
They want people to like them and the love to reach and accord or agreement; it makes them feel good.
Physically good, joyful and happy; Wow, that is excellent indeed.
Yet so often we must agree to disagree in life, because we cannot reach proper terms.
It would be wonderful if humans could agree more.
It would be great if things ran smoothly all the time, yet that just is not possible.
Sometimes a compromise is too much and one must throw away their convictions in order to get something done and then they feel they have dishonored themselves.
Having a physical rush from reaching agreement in a conversational debate; is that a good thing? Well I guess I agree that "Agreement" provides a physical rush, if that is your goal "To Agree", as I get a physical rush from "Winning" no matter what the endeavor.
It is merely deciding what "Winning" is to be.
Operating an Online Think Tank, I can win too for instance; If winning is to make you think then "I Win" when I make you think.
Well in this case if you are reading this article, then I win, because I made you think didn't I and if you agree then you win too.
So in this case, we both got a physical rush out of that philosophical concept of "thinking thoughts" and we came at it from totally different perspectives, means and points of view.
It is a WIN-WIN situation.
See, why Western World Philosophy is best if you live in the present and think beyond time? Do you get a physical rush out of winning? Do you get a physical rush out of reaching an accord, negotiation or agreement? If so and reaching that is your goal and the goal of your fellow debater, negotiator, Congressperson, Senator or conversationalist, then everyone wins? I hope this article will help you think in 2007.
They want people to like them and the love to reach and accord or agreement; it makes them feel good.
Physically good, joyful and happy; Wow, that is excellent indeed.
Yet so often we must agree to disagree in life, because we cannot reach proper terms.
It would be wonderful if humans could agree more.
It would be great if things ran smoothly all the time, yet that just is not possible.
Sometimes a compromise is too much and one must throw away their convictions in order to get something done and then they feel they have dishonored themselves.
Having a physical rush from reaching agreement in a conversational debate; is that a good thing? Well I guess I agree that "Agreement" provides a physical rush, if that is your goal "To Agree", as I get a physical rush from "Winning" no matter what the endeavor.
It is merely deciding what "Winning" is to be.
Operating an Online Think Tank, I can win too for instance; If winning is to make you think then "I Win" when I make you think.
Well in this case if you are reading this article, then I win, because I made you think didn't I and if you agree then you win too.
So in this case, we both got a physical rush out of that philosophical concept of "thinking thoughts" and we came at it from totally different perspectives, means and points of view.
It is a WIN-WIN situation.
See, why Western World Philosophy is best if you live in the present and think beyond time? Do you get a physical rush out of winning? Do you get a physical rush out of reaching an accord, negotiation or agreement? If so and reaching that is your goal and the goal of your fellow debater, negotiator, Congressperson, Senator or conversationalist, then everyone wins? I hope this article will help you think in 2007.