Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Edgar Cayce Rheumatoid Arthritis Cure

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease, mainly defined by inflammation of the synovium, or lining, of the joints. According to the Arthritis Foundation, RA may cause chronic pain, joint deformity and disability.

    Cleansing Therapies

    • In his readings, Cayce saw poor elimination and inadequate assimilation as a problem in nearly every arthritic condition. Cayce recommended castor-oil packs, colonics and enemas to remove toxins from the body prior to using any other therapy.

    Cayce's Dietary Recommendations

    • Plain gelatin salads containing foods such as watercess, carrots, celery and lettuce are good for proper elimination. Cayce said that gelatin helps the body make use of the vitamins in vegetables and fruits. Fried foods, beef, white flour, sweets and carbonated drinks are to be avoided.


    • In many instances, Cayce recommended massages with two oz. each of olive oil and peanut oil. Occasionally, he recommended osteopathic manipulations.

    Additional Recommendations

    • The above recommendations are very general and are based on a number of Cayce's readings. More detailed information can be found at Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment.

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