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How to Remove Leaf Marks From Auto Paint

    • 1). Brush or pick the leaves off the painted surfaces carefully. If they are covering grit or dust, they could scratch the paint if you're too rough and rub them into the paint.

    • 2). Wash and dry your car before getting to work removing leaf marks. If you rub the marks while there's a layer of grime on the car, you risk scratching the paint.

    • 3). Run your hand over the leaf marks. If you feel raised ridges or bumps, there's probably sap on your car.

    • 4). Use a commercial wax and grease solvent formulated for cleaning auto paint. The University of Minnesota extension service recommends also trying rubbing alcohol, WD-40 lubricant or Avon bath oil.

    • 5). Leave the cleaner on the car to let it work, then pour some more onto a soft, dry rag and rub it vigorously. It may take several applications to remove stubborn sap or leaf marks.

    • 6). Wash your car again after the leaf marks have been removed. You may need to wax it if there's a cloudy residue from the oily cleaner.

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