Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Coping With a Career Transition Crisis

This is the period when you feel that you have lost control, and this is very upsetting.
You are in a crisis, and you want to come out of it as soon as possible.
Be Strong Emotionally If you have recently lost a job, you are probably not doing very well emotionally.
Self-esteem takes a hit.
It helps to keep in mind that you are not the only person this has ever happened to and that now you need to take charge of the situation.
Learn from your past mistakes and make up your mind that you will not repeat them.
Next, make a list of your achievements, competencies, and attributes and set a realistic goal for yourself.
Face and Fight Stress Many times people have difficulty facing up to this crisis in their lives.
It's easier to avoid it.
However, it's crucial that you do face up to it and get ready to fight.
To begin with, create a routine for yourself.
Include time for exercise, a proper diet (as many of us tend to eat less during this phase), adequate time for sleep (but not more than necessary), time to be spent in activities you like, time to be spent with friends, family, and associates.
Keep in touch with your old associates; they might help you find a new job.
Some may even be important support for you in this difficult time.
You need to set smaller goals for yourself and celebrate with every goal that you achieve.
Make yourself believe that with time everything will sail smoothly.
Learn To Be Happy Rather than brooding over the fact that you have lost a job or are facing a crisis, make an effort to be happy with the new things that life is bringing.
You need to tell yourself that it is you who has the right to determine your happiness, not the circumstances and people around you.
You need to reach beyond your fear to something greater than it.
Listen To Your Inner Voice If you carefully listen to your inner voice during this difficult time, you can hear it saying that everything is just fine and this is just a phase that will pass.
Even if you are facing crisis, both emotionally and financially, have faith that it is for your own good and there is something better coming your way.
With these little things in mind, and with a positive attitude toward this transitional phase that has suddenly taken over your life, you can definitely come out of it a winner.
All you need is a balanced head and a strong heart.

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