Health & Medical Lose Weight

Is Weight Loss Through Hypnosis Really Possible?

If you are asking yourself if weight loss through hypnosis is really possible the short answer is no.
Hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness by itself will not shed a single pound.
Other than surgery and disease, there are only three ways to lose weight.
  1. Eat fewer calories (diet)
  2. Burn more calories than you consume (exercise)
  3. A combination of 1 and 2
So if you were thinking you could enter a trance state and wake up a new thinner you, sorry but that isn't going to happen.
There really isn't any quick fix for weight loss is there? All kinds of diets make ridiculous claims about huge amount of weight falling off in ridiculously short periods of time.
Every new diet has a "trick" that's the hook to bring in more people who desperately want to lose weight.
You know these don't work don't you.
You've tried them and you were disappointed weren't you.
Even diets that are based on sound nutrition that will deliver results and keep you fit often fail.
There's no question that regular aerobic and strength training have all kinds of health benefits aside from helping burn fat.
So why can't you just pick one and stick with it? Think about your last diet or exercise program for a moment.
At some point in the beginning did you ask yourself "how" am I going to do this? Was it a challenge to change the amount you ate or the foods that you ate? Did you see the whole diet thing as something you had to suffer with in order to get the desired effect of losing weight? Did you have the typical Western idea that if you could just gut it out then you'd hit your desired goal? What if instead, you woke up in the morning and looked forward to putting on your sweats and sneakers and getting out for your morning jog? What if you sat down to a breakfast of fresh fruit and cereal and thought it was fantastic.
What if you felt great even though you hadn't lost all the weight you wanted? What would that mean? More self confidence? A general feeling of well being? That's where hypnosis or altered state of consciousness comes in.
Hypnosis will not lose weight by itself but it will enable you to lose weight and like it! When the brain is in conflict it simply will not cooperate with you.
If you see the weight loss plan as a "battle" rather than the right thing to do for your body, then you brain is going to make it very difficult for you to succeed.
If you can train the brain to accept the exercise and diet as the natural right thing to do for the body, then the brain will give you the reinforcement you need to succeed by giving you those feelings of self confidence and health.
Hypnosis or retraining the brain can help in setting up that model for many, but not all, people.
Hypnosis is most effective when there is a one on one session between patient and hypnotist.
That session can be reinforced using other media, mp3 files or videos, to help "stick" the suggestions firmly in the mind.
Group sessions, which have become quite popular, have very mixed results, but are better than just trying out a new diet without any support.
So yes, hypnosis can help you lose weight, and more importantly, can make you feel truly good about it.

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