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The Parts of the Building Regulations

Summary of the Various parts of the building regulation.
Examining the scope of the various parts of the building regs as used in the building industry.
The Building Regulations consists of 14 Different Parts.
They are identified using letters of the alphabet, Currently Parts A through to Part P.
Each Part Represents a different section of construction.
For example Part A represents structure, Part P represents Electrical installations.
In Part P the breakdown of content is as below section 0 general guidance section 1 design, installation, inspection and testing section 2 extensions, material alterations and material changes of use section 3 information about other relevant legislation appendix A examples of electrical installation diagrams appendix B copies of BS and model forms appendix C older practice that can be encountered in alteration work appendix D new harmonised cable identification colours Each Regulation will give a guide to expected standards for its particular area of construction for example in Part P it is stated that a person must be "competent".
Part N deals with Glazing and as an example specify s where safety Glass should be used in relation to doors.
For example during the Electrical installation holes have to be made in joists to enable cables to pass through.
This process involves changing the structure of the building which would Involve Part A of the building regulations being considered.
Another Part affected would be prevention for the spread of fire due to the introduction of the hole, In this case Part B of the building regulations should be referenced.
As shown in our Part P example above, when any building work is to be considered all area's of the building regulations should be taken into account.
At the end of each part of the building regulations the requirement to refer to other building regulations is outlined.

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