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How to Do the Dolphin in Pilates

    • 1). Set out an exercise mat or find a soft flooring to work on. Get down on your hands and knees. Start on your knees and come down on your forearms. Bring your palms together in a prayer pose on the ground so that your forearms turn inward and you rest on the sides of your arms.

    • 2). Keep your back straight and strong so it remains flat. Suck in your stomach and engage your abs if you have trouble keeping it flat. You should now be on your forearms and knees.

    • 3). Curl your toes under and lift your knees up to a flattened plank pose. Your entire body should be in a straight line. Inhale and hold the pose for 3 counts. Exhale and lift your hips up. Lift 6 to 8 inches so you are in an upside down V shape pose. Inhale and hold for 3 counts, then exhale and come back down to plank pose.

    • 4). Repeat the plank to upside V pose 10 times. Use your exhale to move through the poses and your inhale to hold them.

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