Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What Are Some Myths Regarding Cellulite?

If somebody tells you that food is the solution to reduce the appearance of your cellulite, would you believe that person? Well, here's news for you.
Eating is not bad.
What is bad are the kinds of unhealthy foods that we are so fond of eating.
Food is actually good for you, and if the bane of your existence is cellulite, then eat your way to fight it! Of course we are talking about stocking healthy foods inside your refrigerator, as these are needed to combat fat.
Cellulite is a condition brought about by having too large fat cells.
These are located at the subcutaneous or the innermost layer of the skin, and when the fat cells are enlarged, they push against the skin, making them visible to the whole world.
Then, what happens next is a serious case of orange peel and cottage cheese.
Doctors say everybody has cellulite, but many women suffer from cellulite that are too obvious.
While it is impossible to remove those cellulite naturally (only surgery can remove that), there are ways to reduce its appearance.
One is exercise, and the other is good food.
What are they? Read on.
Water and other fluids And no, fluids do not include drinks that are sugary, carbonated and alcoholic.
If ever, these kinds of drinks will only make your fat cells bigger, and trust me, it will not be an enjoyable experience.
The fluids that are safe and healthy for you are, as stated, water as well as natural fruit juices and other healthy foods that are rich in liquid such as vegetables.
Drinking a good amount of fluids hydrate the skin, which helps it stay healthy and supple.
A well hydrated skin is also your best friend and best tool against those stubborn fat cells.
While drinking water will not burn fats, it dilutes them.
Also, a supple skin is effective in hiding the manifestations of cellulite.
In short, your cellulite will not look as obvious.
It is important to be conscious about how hydrated your skin is.
Cellulite, according to studies, appear more prominent under dehydrated or dry skin.
Just remember that moisture will mask those bumps and surely you will not have any problems completing the recommended amount of water and water-rich foods o be consumed each day.
Fruits and fiber-rich foods Many nutritionists say that fiber is a very essential tool in fighting against cellulite.
Aside from helping the body absorb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from healthy foods, fiber also work with water and fluids to keep our skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity, which is very important if you want to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
You can get fiber from a wide range of healthy foods.
You can get it from fruits such as bananas, apples, raspberries, pears and grapes.
You can also get them from whole grains such as oatmeal, barley, wheat and bran.
Almost all kinds of vegetables are also good sources of fiber.
Other foods which are rich in fiber are nuts, legumes, beans and seeds.
Fruits are important in fighting against cellulite not only because of their fiber content but also because they are rich in vitamins such as vitamin C.
Vitamin C prevents damage in collagen, which supports the structure of the skin.
Collagen is important in maintaining the skin's elasticity to hide those annoying cellulite.
Vitamin C is also proven to help you burn more fat, as much as 30 percent, during exercise.
Some fruits that are rich in vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges and lemons.
Aside from fiber and vitamin C, brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants.
These anti-oxidants help the body remove toxins that can accumulate under the skin and reduce its elasticity.
Toxins can also contribute to poor blood circulation as they can restrict blood flow in the capillaries.
Fruits rich in anti-oxidants are berries such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and cherries.
And more These are only a few of the foods that help you in your fight against cellulite.
You can also eat good carbohydrates coming from whole grains and plant based protein which you can get from nuts and legumes.
The bottom line is, in order to hide the unsightly dimples on your abs, thighs, and buttocks, get your daily dose of healthy food.
Avoid foods that are not good for you.
What are those foods that are bad for you? If you are suffering from very obvious cellulite, chances are you are old enough to know which ones.

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